Integrate CAPE-equipped drones into daily workflows for a quicker response to active situations and an evidence-grade record of events. Emergency response teams equipped with drone technology rapidly make informed decisions from a safe distance—ultimately reducing injuries and saving lives.
Conduct local and remote piloting, livestream to anywhere in the world, capture and manage evidence-grade drone video.
Build a safer drone program
Safely launch and fly a variety of drones using a built-in pre-flight checklist, predefined or ad hoc geofences and 3D obstacle and collision avoidance.
Get FAA-approved eyes on scene
Simplify FAA approval for Drone as First Responder (DFR) by incorporating our controls into your Risk Mitigation and Emergency Procedure policy.
Livestream to anyone, anywhere
Initiate a livestream of drone video, available for viewing by responders en route to an incident or remote command staff, using an Android or iOS device.
Manage flight data responsibly
Drone video, images and flight information are saved to our secure cloud for easy review and can be shared with the public for transparency.
CAPE is powered by three software applications designed to safely pilot a local drone, take command of an in-flight drone from anywhere and watch livestreaming video.
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